Filling Authors from a List using Authblk: Debunking the Mystery
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Filling Authors from a List using Authblk: Debunking the Mystery

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Are you tired of struggling to fill authors from a list using authblk in LaTeX? Do you find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of trial and error, only to end up with frustrating errors and formatting issues? Fear not, dear LaTeX enthusiast, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this seemingly complex process and get you back on track to creating stunning documents with ease!

The Problem: Filling Authors from a List using Authblk

Authblk is a popular package in LaTeX that allows you to customize the author block in your documents. However, when it comes to filling authors from a list, many users encounter difficulties. The most common issues include:

  • Authors not being displayed correctly
  • Formatting issues, such as incorrect spacing or alignment
  • Error messages, like “Undefined control sequence” or “Package authblk Error”

Understanding the Authblk Package

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand how authblk works. The authblk package provides a set of commands to customize the author block in LaTeX documents. These commands allow you to:

  • Define authors and their affiliations
  • Customize the author block’s layout and design
  • Use multiple authors and affiliations
  • Utilize various formatting options, such as font sizes and styles

The Solution: Filling Authors from a List using Authblk

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the good stuff! To fill authors from a list using authblk, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Add the authblk package to your LaTeX document’s preamble:


    Note: Replace [options] with the desired options, such as “author” or “affil-it”.””

  2. Define your author list using the \verb|\author| command:

    \author{Author1, Author2, ..., AuthorN}

    Note: Separate authors using commas, and use the \verb|\\| character to indicate a new line.

  3. Use the \verb|\Authfont| command to customize the author font:


    Note: Adjust the font size and style to your liking.

  4. Define affiliations using the \verb|\affil| command:

    \affil{Affiliation1, Affiliation2, ..., AffiliationN}

    Note: Separate affiliations using commas, and use the \verb|\\| character to indicate a new line.

  5. Use the \verb|\authblk| command to customize the author block’s layout:

    \authblk{Author Block Layout}

    Note: Replace “Author Block Layout” with your desired layout, such as “rl” for right-aligned authors or “ll” for left-aligned authors.

Example Code: Filling Authors from a List using Authblk


\author{John Doe, Jane Smith, Bob Johnson}
\affil{University of LaTeX, Department of Typesetting}


\title{Filling Authors from a List using Authblk}


Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the correct code, issues can still arise. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Authors not being displayed correctly Check that the \verb|\author| command is used correctly, with authors separated by commas. Ensure that the \verb|\authblk| command is used to customize the author block’s layout.
Formatting issues, such as incorrect spacing or alignment Adjust the \verb|\Authfont| command to customize the author font, and use the \verb|\authblk| command to fine-tune the author block’s layout.
Error messages, like “Undefined control sequence” or “Package authblk Error” Verify that the authblk package is installed correctly, and that the correct package options are used. Check for typos or incorrect syntax in your code.


Filling authors from a list using authblk in LaTeX is a breeze when you know the correct techniques. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create stunning documents with ease. Remember to customize your author block’s layout and design using the authblk package’s commands, and don’t hesitate to troubleshoot common issues that may arise. Happy typesetting!

Still stuck? Feel free to ask in the comments below, and we’ll be happy to help you resolve your issue.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with filling authors from a list using authblk? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why does authblk not recognize my author list?

Make sure you’ve defined your author list correctly using the \authblkauthor command. Also, check if you’ve loaded the authblk package correctly in your LaTeX document’s preamble.

What’s the correct way to define authors using authblk?

Use the \authblkauthor command to define each author, followed by the author’s information, separated by commas. For example, \authblkauthor{John Doe}{}{University of Example}. You can define multiple authors by separating them with commas.

Why are my authors not displayed in the correct format?

Check your authblk settings and formatting options. You can customize the author format using the \authblksetup command. For example, \authblksetup{labels=false,affils=false} to remove labels and affiliations.

Can I use authblk with other LaTeX packages?

Yes, authblk is compatible with most LaTeX packages. However, some packages may conflict with authblk’s functionality. If you encounter issues, try loading authblk before other packages or check the package documentation for compatibility.

Where can I find more information about authblk?

Check the authblk package documentation, available on CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) or through your LaTeX distribution’s documentation. You can also search online for tutorials, forums, and LaTeX communities for more information and examples.