How to Increase the Value of One Row and Not All the Others in a Fluent UI Details List
Image by Jarleath -

How to Increase the Value of One Row and Not All the Others in a Fluent UI Details List

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Are you tired of struggling to customize your Fluent UI Details List? Do you want to know the secret to increasing the value of a single row without affecting the others? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Fluent UI and explore the ways to achieve this feat.

Understanding Fluent UI Details List

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what Fluent UI Details List is. Fluent UI is a popular library developed by Microsoft, designed to create responsive, accessible, and customizable user interfaces. The Details List is a component within Fluent UI that allows you to display a list of items with detailed information.

The Details List is a powerful tool for creating complex data visualization, but it can be challenging to customize. One common issue developers face is increasing the value of a single row without affecting the others. But fear not, we’re about to crack the code!

The Problem: Why Can’t I Just Use a Simple Loop?

You might be thinking, “Why can’t I just use a simple loop to iterate through the rows and update the value of the one I want?” Well, the reason is that the Fluent UI Details List is a complex component that relies on an array of objects to render the data. When you try to update a single row using a simple loop, you’ll end up updating all the rows, not just the one you want.

This is because the Details List re-renders the entire list when you update any of the items in the array. This behavior is by design, as it ensures that the list remains consistent and up-to-date. However, it also means that you need to be more creative when updating individual rows.

The Solution: Using the `onRenderItem` Property

The secret to increasing the value of a single row lies in the `onRenderItem` property of the Details List. This property allows you to customize the rendering of individual items in the list.

Here’s an example of how you can use the `onRenderItem` property to increase the value of a single row:

import { DetailsList, IColumn } from '@fluentui/react';

const columns: IColumn[] = [
    key: 'name',
    name: 'Name',
    onRender: (item: any) => {
      if ( === 'John Doe') {
        return <span>{} (VIP)</span>;
      } else {
        return <span>{}</span>;

const items = [
  { name: 'John Doe', value: 10 },
  { name: 'Jane Doe', value: 20 },
  { name: 'Bob Smith', value: 30 },

const App = () => {
  return (

In this example, we’re using the `onRender` property of the column to customize the rendering of the `name` column. We’re checking if the `name` property of the item is ‘John Doe’, and if it is, we’re adding a ‘(VIP)’ suffix to the name.

This approach allows us to target a specific row and update its value without affecting the others.

The Power of Conditional Rendering

Conditional rendering is a powerful technique in React that allows you to render components based on certain conditions. In the context of the Fluent UI Details List, conditional rendering can be used to update individual rows based on specific criteria.

Let’s take a closer look at an example:

import { DetailsList, IColumn } from '@fluentui/react';

const columns: IColumn[] = [
    key: 'value',
    name: 'Value',
    onRender: (item: any) => {
      if ( === 'John Doe') {
        return <span>{item.value * 2}</span>;
      } else {
        return <span>{item.value}</span>;

const items = [
  { name: 'John Doe', value: 10 },
  { name: 'Jane Doe', value: 20 },
  { name: 'Bob Smith', value: 30 },

const App = () => {
  return (

In this example, we’re using conditional rendering to update the `value` column of the row with the `name` ‘John Doe’. We’re multiplying the `value` property by 2 only for that specific row, leaving the other rows unchanged.

Common Use Cases

Increasing the value of a single row in a Fluent UI Details List has several practical use cases:

  • Highlighting important items: You can use this technique to highlight important items in the list, such as VIP customers or high-priority tasks.
  • Calculating custom values: You can use conditional rendering to calculate custom values for specific rows, such as discounts or bonuses.
  • Displaying additional information: You can use this technique to display additional information for specific rows, such as a “new” badge for newly added items.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Fluent UI Details List and learned how to increase the value of a single row without affecting the others. We’ve seen how the `onRenderItem` property and conditional rendering can be used to customize individual rows in the list.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to create more complex and dynamic user interfaces that meet the needs of your users. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the components and leveraging their properties to achieve your goals.

Property Description
onRenderItem A callback function that allows you to customize the rendering of individual items in the list.
onRender A callback function that allows you to customize the rendering of a specific column.

Stay tuned for more articles on Fluent UI and React!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on increasing the value of a single row in a Fluent UI Details List without affecting the others!

How can I target a specific row in the Fluent UI Details List?

To target a specific row, you can use the `onRenderRow` prop and pass a function that returns a custom row renderer. This function allows you to access the row’s data and adjust its value accordingly.

Can I use a unique identifier to identify the row I want to update?

Yes, you can use a unique identifier such as an ID or a key to identify the specific row you want to update. This identifier can be used within the `onRenderRow` function to check if the current row is the one you want to update.

How do I update the value of a specific row without re-rendering the entire list?

You can use the `memoize` function from the `@fluentui/react` library to memoize the row renderer function. This ensures that the row renderer is only re-computed when the relevant dependencies change, rather than on every re-render.

What if I need to update the value of a row based on a complex condition?

You can create a separate function that evaluates the complex condition and returns the updated value. This function can be called within the `onRenderRow` function to determine the updated value for the specific row.

Is it possible to animate the value change of a single row in the Fluent UI Details List?

Yes, you can use Fluent UI’s built-in animation capabilities, such as the `animate` function, to animate the value change of a single row. This can provide a visually appealing experience for your users.