C++/WinRT RequestAsync Memory Leak: The Silent Killer of Your App’s Performance
Image by Jarleath - hkhazo.biz.id

C++/WinRT RequestAsync Memory Leak: The Silent Killer of Your App’s Performance

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As a C++/WinRT developer, you’re no stranger to the thrill of creating high-performance, responsive apps that leave users in awe. But, have you ever encountered a mysterious memory leak that refuses to be tamed, no matter how hard you try? Look no further! In this article, we’ll tackle the notorious C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to identify, debug, and fix this pesky issue.

The Anatomy of a Memory Leak

A memory leak occurs when your app allocates memory for objects or resources, but fails to release them when they’re no longer needed. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  • Unclosed handles or file descriptors
  • Forgotten event handlers or callbacks
  • Improperly managed COM objects
  • Leaked WinRT objects or interfaces

In the context of C++/WinRT, the RequestAsync method is a common culprit behind memory leaks. But, before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this happens.

The RequestAsync Method: A Double-Edged Sword

IAsyncOperation<ResponseBody> response =

The RequestAsync method is a powerful tool for making asynchronous requests in C++/WinRT. It returns an IAsyncOperation interface, which allows you to handle the response in a non-blocking manner. However, this convenience comes at a cost.

When you call RequestAsync, the underlying WinRT infrastructure creates a new object to represent the asynchronous operation. This object is stored in memory until the operation is completed or canceled. If you don’t properly release this object, it can lead to a memory leak.

Identifying the Memory Leak

Before we fix the leak, we need to identify it. Here are some common signs of a memory leak:

  • Increasing memory usage over time
  • Slow or unresponsive app performance
  • Crashes or unexpected terminations
  • Frequent garbage collection or low-memory warnings

To diagnose the issue, you can use various tools, such as:

  • Task Manager or Process Explorer to monitor memory usage
  • Visual Studio’s Memory Profiler or Debug Diagnostics to analyze memory allocations
  • Event Viewer or Windows Performance Recorder to log system events

Fixing the Memory Leak

Now that we’ve identified the issue, let’s get to the solution! Here are some best practices to prevent memory leaks when using RequestAsync:

1. Use the `get` Method Instead of `GetResults()`

IAsyncOperation<ResponseBody> response =
ResponseBody responseBody = response.get();

By using the `get` method, you can avoid creating a new object for the response, which reduces the risk of a memory leak.

2. Release the IAsyncOperation Object

IAsyncOperation<ResponseBody> response =
ResponseBody responseBody = response.get();
response = nullptr; // Release the object

Set the IAsyncOperation object to nullptr after you’ve retrieved the response. This ensures that the object is released and can be garbage collected.

3. Use a Smart Pointer or UniquePtr

using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Web::Http;

unique_ptr<IAsyncOperation<ResponseBody>> response =
ResponseBody responseBody = response->)get();

By using a smart pointer or unique_ptr, you can automatically manage the lifetime of the IAsyncOperation object, reducing the risk of a memory leak.

4. Cancel the Operation When Necessary

IAsyncOperation<ResponseBody> response =
// Later, when you want to cancel the operation
response = nullptr; // Release the object

If you need to cancel the operation, make sure to release the IAsyncOperation object to avoid a memory leak.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

In addition to the above solutions, here are some general tips to help you avoid memory leaks in C++/WinRT:

  • Avoid Global Variables: Global variables can lead to memory leaks if not properly released. Instead, use local variables or smart pointers.
  • Use WeakReferences: When working with COM objects or interfaces, use weak references to avoid circular references that can cause memory leaks.
  • Close Handles and File Descriptors: Make sure to close handles and file descriptors when they’re no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
  • Profile and Test Your App: Regularly profile and test your app to identify memory leaks and performance issues.


The C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak can be a frustrating issue, but with the right techniques and best practices, you can identify and fix it. By following the solutions and tips outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating high-performance, memory-leak-free apps that delight your users.

Memory Leak Symptoms Solutions
Increasing memory usage Use `get` method, release IAsyncOperation object, or use smart pointers
Slow or unresponsive app Cancel operations when necessary, use weak references, and close handles/file descriptors
Crashes or unexpected terminations Profile and test your app regularly, use exception handling, and debug logs

Remember, a memory leak is like a silent killer – it may not manifest immediately, but it can slowly drain your app’s performance and credibility. Stay vigilant, and with the help of this article, you’ll be able to tackle even the most elusive memory leaks in C++/WinRT.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak!

What is the C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak, and why should I care?

The C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak is a sneaky issue that can cause your app to slowly but surely run out of memory, leading to crashes and a poor user experience. You should care because it’s a common problem that can be tricky to diagnose and fix, but with the right knowledge, you can avoid it altogether!

How does the C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak occur in the first place?

The memory leak happens when you use the RequestAsync function to make an asynchronous request, but you don’t properly handle the resulting callbacks and completion handlers. This can cause the memory allocated for the request to never be released, leading to a slow and steady memory leak over time.

What are some common symptoms of a C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak?

If your app is experiencing a C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak, you might notice that it’s using more and more memory over time, even when you’re not actively using it. You might also see crashes or freezes, especially when trying to perform actions that require a lot of memory. Additionally, you might notice that your app’s performance is slowing down or becoming less responsive.

How can I fix a C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak in my app?

To fix a C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak, make sure to properly release any allocated memory and resources when the request is complete. You can do this by using a weak reference to the completion handler, and then releasing the handler when the request is finished. Additionally, make sure to handle any errors that might occur during the request, and release any memory allocated for the request in the error handler as well.

Are there any tools or techniques that can help me detect and diagnose a C++/WinRT RequestAsync memory leak?

Yes! You can use tools like the Windows Performance Toolkit or Visual Studio’s Memory Profiler to detect and diagnose memory leaks in your app. These tools can help you identify where the memory leak is occurring and give you clues about how to fix it. Additionally, you can use techniques like logging and debugging to track down the source of the leak and understand what’s going on.

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